Paranormal Cleanup - Explore the Spooky World of Ghost Hunting

03 April 2023
Paranormal Cleanup - Explore the Spooky World of Ghost Hunting

Have you heard of Paranormal Cleanup? If not, you should definitely keep reading, because this exciting game offers you a very special kind of ghost hunting. Here, you're not just after ghosts, but also making sure that the places are cleaned up a bit. Sounds interesting? Then read on and find out everything you need to know about the game and its updates!

The latest update: Patch 0.1.0

The latest update is really something special. Not only does it offer you a brand new map, but also new objectives, difficulty levels, and background stories. With Patch 0.1.0, the game becomes even more exciting and diverse. Let's go through the new features together:

The new map: 22 Willow Lane

If you loved the map sizes of "Lunch Lady," then you're in luck with the new map from Paranormal Cleanup! 22 Willow Lane is a dilapidated duplex that has seen better days. One part of the house has just been renovated, but the other part is still waiting. Both parts are, of course, haunted by ghosts, and you're up for the challenge!

Background stories and objectives

From now on, each map has a unique background story that provides you with additional information about the spooky past of the places. You can find these background stories as collectibles, and they will earn you additional experience points and achievements. New objectives include disposing of moldy pizza. Sounds curious? Well, then get ready for some ghostly tasks!

Contracts and difficulty levels

With the new contracts, there are now a variety of generated tasks that you can complete. Each contract is unique and differs in map, objective, and difficulty level. The difficulty levels have also been revised and are now called "Paranormal Level." The rule is: the higher the level, the more difficult the task!

Other adjustments and fixes

In addition to the major changes, there are also a number of minor adjustments and fixes. These include UI adjustments, new achievements, and the fixing of collision problems with objects and furniture. Screen shakes have also been added to bring even more drama to the game!


As you can see, Paranormal Cleanup has a lot to offer and is definitely a game to keep an eye on. The combination of ghost hunting and cleaning up makes for entertaining gameplay that challenges you time and time again. So, grab your ghost detector and make the world a little cleaner and ghost-free! Have fun playing!