PAYDAY 3 - What you need to know

02 August 2023, 08:14 / by Tom Schwiha
PAYDAY 3 - What you need to know

A call to all heisters: PAYDAY 3 BETA is here!

Hello heisters! Put on your masks and get ready, because the PAYDAY 3 BETA is finally here! But this is no ordinary test run. This test is primarily to assess the server and game stability when it's besieged by you heisters. And not just by us developers. That's why we're starting with just 5000 people initially and will invite more as our servers allow.

How to participate in the BETA

Before you jump into the van and start your first heist, you're probably wondering, "How can I participate?" Don't worry, we've got you covered. To sign up for the Steam BETA, all you have to do is go to the PAYDAY 3 store page and click on the green button that says "Request Access." Whether you have a pre-order or not, everyone has an equal chance of getting access to the BETA.

Where can I find more information about the BETA?

Still have questions about the BETA? No problem! We have put together a short BETA FAQ that you can find on Steam, our website, or through the player support page. There, you will find answers to all your questions about participating in the PAYDAY 3 BETA.

Give us your feedback

After pulling off some heists, we would love to hear what you think. To leave feedback, suggestions, or bug reports, please use the brand new feature upvote page! Your input helps us make PAYDAY 3 even better.

Tune in to our weekly stream

For all you heisters out there who want to stay connected with us, we stream live on Twitch and YouTube almost every Tuesday and Thursday. Stop by and check it out! It's a great way to learn more about PAYDAY 3, future updates, and what else is happening in our world.

Lastly, all we have left to say is: Keep your helmets high!

Join us for this exciting new chapter in the history of PAYDAY!

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