PlayStation 5 - Release

17 April 2020, 18:35 / by Tom Schwiha
PlayStation 5 - Release

Next Gen - Playstation 5

The battle of the giants continues

The next generation of consoles is just around the corner. Gamers, experts and hobbyists are eagerly awaiting the start of the new console generation from Sony and Microsoft. With the Playstation 5, Sony wants to set new standards again. Recently, the first technical specifications of the new "miracle console" were published. Last but not least, there was an internal all-clear, as it had been feared that the sales start would be delayed due to the current Corona pandemic.

When will the PS5 be released and what will it look like?

With an exact release date for the Playstation, Sony is relatively tight-lipped, only speaking of "late 2020". This leaves a period between October and December of this year open. However, in any case, a release is expected before or during the Christmas season. This would also coincide with the launches of the two predecessors (The Playstation 3 and 4 were released in mid-November 2006 and 2013 respectively).

As for the appearance of the new console, Sony continues to leave the gaming community in the dark. Ultimately, some pictures of the so-called "development kits" were leaked, but these are only prototypes that are made available to development studios. These are usually designed for performance and ventilation differently than the model that can be purchased at launch.

Technical Specifications

As was announced in the middle of last year, Sony will also be using AMD processors for the new generation. The Playstation 5 will use a new Ryzen chip with a total of eight cores. According to Mark Cerny (hardware architect at Sony), this has a clock frequency of 3.5 kHz. Sony is also using AMD for the new graphics chip. This has the advantage that the GPU and CPU can support each other.
The new graphics processor will also support real-time ray tracing, which can calculate almost photorealistic reflections and impressive lighting situations in real time. The chip also supports resolutions of up to 8k and a refresh rate of 120 Hz.

In terms of memory, the PS 5 uses an 825 (!) GB SSD hard drive and 16 GB GDDR6 Ram. In terms of performance, the new Playstation will certainly set new standards.

Those who were expecting the physical drive to be gone can breathe a sigh of relief. Sony has already denied these rumors.

At the moment it is probably still too early to talk about facts about the new Dualshock-5 controller, although there are said to be some patent sketches, there are currently no more than a few speculation.

There will certainly be a new haptic feedback that replaces the current dual-shock technology.

Exclusive Titles and Backward Compatibility

It can be assumed that Sony will start the new console with some Sony-exclusive titles. Which titles these are is still speculative at the current time. Titles such as Gran Tourismo 7 and Horizon: Zero Dawn 2 are being talked about. But it can be said for sure that the PS5 will be backward compatible with the PS4 from the start. This means that all titles already purchased for the old console can be played on the new one.

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