Pokémon Karmesin/Purpur - Differences between the editions

18 November 2022, 20:50 / by Tom Schwiha
Pokémon Karmesin/Purpur - Differences between the editions

As usual, you'll find two different games at the end of the year when Pokémon Crimson and Purple appear. With the Gen 9 editions, there should now be exclusive Pokémon again in comparison to Pokémon Legends: Arceus. You can find out what other advantages the two new editions have here.

The covers already show you that these are two separate games. The Crimson cover is decorated with the Pokémon Koraidon, while the Purple cover is adorned with Miraidon. In addition, there will again be exclusive edition Pokémon.

In Crimson you will find the following Pokémon:

  • Koraidon
  • Larvitar/Pupitar/Desoptar
  • Humanlith
  • Crimanzo
  • Driftlon/Drifzepeli
  • Skunkapuh/Skuntank
  • Kommandutan
  • Algitt/Tandrak
  • Kapuno/Duodino/Trikephalo

In Purple you will find these Pokémon exclusively:

  • Miraidon
  • Kindwurm/Draschel/Brutalanda
  • Kubuin
  • Azugladis
  • Traunfugil/Traunmagil
  • Quartermak
  • Schluppuck/Schlukwech
  • Scampisto/Wummer
  • Grolldra/Phandra/Katapuldra

You can also catch special forms of already known Pokémon in an advanced game mode. In Crimson, these Pokémon are:

  • Giant Tooth (Ground/Fighting)
  • Roar Tail (Fairy/Psychic)
  • Fury Mushroom (Plant/Darkness)
  • Flutterhair (Fairy/Ghost)
  • Crawlwing (Bug/Fighting)
  • Sandhide (Electric/Ground)
  • Thunderblade (Dragon/Darkness)

The Purple Edition includes these Pokémon:

  • Ironwheel (Ground/Steel)
  • Ironbundle (Ice/Water)
  • Ironhand (Fighting/Electric)
  • Ironneck (Darkness/Flying)
  • Ironbutterfly (Fire/Poison)
  • Ironspine (Rock/Electric)
  • Ironwarrior (Fighting/Fairy)

Also, the game characters differ in both editions: Basically, you can play the same character here, but they wear different colors of their uniform. These uniforms are symbolic of the two different academies, which boast the same teaching staff, but the effect that the game choice and academy will have remains to be seen.

You will get different professors depending on the edition: In Crimson, you will meet Professor Antiqua, in Purple you will meet Professor Futurus. No matter which edition you choose, you will find the guaranteed lowest price on Keyfuchs.

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