Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Tera - Raid Battles

03 January 2023
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Tera - Raid Battles

The next raid battle event for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Tera has been announced. With Hydreigon (Trikephalo) in Pokémon Scarlet and Dragapult (Katapuldra) in Pokémon Violet, you can take part. 

The Sixth Battle Event

The sixth Tera Raid Battle event has been announced, with a focus on the Pokémon Trikephalo, a Dark/Dragon-type Pokémon that has existed since Generation V. It is also the second evolution of Kapuno and Duodino. In addition, the spotlight is on the Pokémon Katapuldra. This is a Dragon/Ghost-type Pokémon that has existed since Generation VIII. It is the final evolution of Grolldra and Phandra.

The event will take place from January 6-8, 2023, and the raids will appear in 4- and 5-star raid battles. Once the event begins, you'll get more information here!