Introducing Ram - the new attacker
"Operation Heavy Mettle" amps up the excitement with the new attacker Ram and her BU-GI Auto-Breacher gadget. With an automated tank, Ram can challenge the competition by destroying walls, floors, and other elements to create new vantage points. A tank can disrupt players' strategies by destroying their gadgets and any soft surfaces in its path - and Ram has four of them!
Game mode updates: Faster, more diverse, and action-packed
This season, the game modes receive several updates, including a revamp of Quick Match, a redesign of Unranked (now called Standard), and a brand-new arcade game mode. Quick Match is faster than ever, with shortened round times, automatically revealed objectives, and bomb locations already fortified.

Defenders can now focus on strategic defenses - a welcome fast-paced environment for new and experienced players. Attackers have a 10-second invulnerability at the start of the action phase, giving them time to approach the building. The revamped standard playlist offers the core Siege experience without operator or map ban phases, providing players with another option alongside the competitive Ranked mode.
New to the game: Weapons Roulette
Also introduced is Weapons Roulette, a brand new fast-paced action mode for the arcade playlist, where all players start with the same weapon that automatically switches to a new one after a set time.
The Heavy Mettle Premium Battle Pass
The Heavy Mettle Premium Battle Pass runs from August 29th to November 27th, 2023. Play matches, earn tokens, and get 100 rewards whenever you want! Unlock the new operator Ram instantly and receive numerous exclusive items such as 18 Bravo packs, a Bravo token, a neon-colored 3D set for Bandit, a historical South Korean set for Vigil, as well as an elegant lacquer drone skin and a colorful ramen-themed signature skin!
Once you've completed the Battle Pass, you can earn a Bravo Pack Ticket, which allows you to choose a unique reward from the Bravo Pack Collection.
Get your Rainbow Six Siege Key!
Need R6 Credits for the Battle Pass? Get the best deal with the 2670 Premier Pack, including 2670 R6 Credits, an exclusive Finka set, and a Renown Booster at the same price as a regular 2670 R6 Credit Pack.
For more information or to purchase your Rainbow Six Siege Key, visit We look forward to your order!