Rainbow Six Siege Y8S1 Patch - All updates and bug fixes at a glance

31 May 2023 / by Tom Schwiha
Rainbow Six Siege Y8S1 Patch - All updates and bug fixes at a glance

Y8S1 Patch for Rainbow Six Siege

The Y8S1 patch for Rainbow Six Siege brings some interesting updates and bug fixes to the game. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about the changes in this update.

Download Size of the Patch

The size of the download varies depending on the platform. Here is a list of download sizes:

  • Ubisoft Connect: 5.34 GB
  • Steam: 3.6 GB
  • Xbox One: 4.35 GB
  • Xbox Series X: 4.87 GB
  • PlayStation 4: 4.53 GB
  • PlayStation 5: 4.18 GB

Player Behavior and Bug Fixes

At the start of the season, Brava's Kludge drone will overload Aruni's Surya Gate instead of converting it. This means the drone will be disabled, but a defender gadget will remain. This is a temporary solution until the issue with converting these two devices is fixed in a later update.

Gameplay and Level Design Bug Fixes

The Y8S1 patch has fixed numerous bugs in various areas of the game, including:

  • Defuser cannot be picked up while sprinting.
  • Operator card health bar goes beyond the frame during end-of-round replay.
  • Operators can melee through shields.
  • Incorrect behavior when pressing the ESC key while affected by Dokkaebi's Logic Bomb as a disabled defender.
  • Missing VFX and SFX for Flores's RCE-Ratero Charge.
  • Mute must fully equip the Signal Disruptor before deploying it.
  • Nøkk's HEL Presence Reduction is not detected by Solis's SPEC-IO Electro Sensor.

User Experience Issues and Other Bug Fixes

In addition, some user experience issues have been fixed, such as:

  • Navigation in the operator manual.
  • Rubberbanding at the start of the action phase in online multiplayer playlists.
  • Inconsistent symbol sizes when detecting operator gadgets with IQ's Electronics Detector.

With these updates and bug fixes, the player experience in Rainbow Six Siege is further improved. Enjoy playing!

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