Ready or Not - Adaptation is on the doorstep

07 August 2023, 07:54 / by Fabian Roßbach
Ready or Not - Adaptation is on the doorstep

Personalize Your Character in Ready or Not

Hello gamers! Today we have something special for all fans of Ready or Not. VOID Interactive, the minds behind this intense tactical first-person shooter, are giving us a preview of the upcoming customization system. Although it's still in an early stage, we can confidently say that it will be a game changer.

The developers are constantly expanding the clothing options to make you easily recognizable on the dangerous streets of Los Sueños. But it's not just about appearances. Customizing your character can also have an impact on your gameplay. Now let's take a look at some of the upcoming features.

Gloves, Shoes, and More

You can choose from a variety of gloves that not only look good but are also practical. And that's not all. There will also be plenty of options for shoes to support your mobility. We all know how important it is to be fast when chasing suspects in Los Sueños.

Accessories for Extra Style

But wait, there's more! VOID has been experimenting with a range of accessories. In the latest development update, we can see that they want to move away from the "Choose a Complete Outfit" format. Instead, the new system allows for greater freedom in character customization.

One particularly exciting addition is the tactical masks. As an experienced member of the Special Weapons and Tactics team, you can now customize your mask to suit your mission while letting your creativity run wild.

The End is Just the Beginning

That's it for now with our little preview of the upcoming update for Ready or Not. But don't worry, there's still plenty more to discover! If you want to dive deeper into the world or simply find a new Steam Key, you've come to the right place!


We're excited to see how these new features will enhance the gameplay experience in Ready or Not. After all, it's not just about who shoots the fastest - it's also about who looks the coolest.

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