Redfall: The Ultimate Combination Against Vampires - How to Easily Overpower Rooks, Anglers & Co.

03 May 2023, 22:17 / by Fabian Roßbach
Redfall: The Ultimate Combination Against Vampires - How to Easily Overpower Rooks, Anglers & Co.

The perfect weapon combination for fighting vampires

In Redfall, vampires are not to be underestimated. Especially Rooks, Anglers, and Siphons can make your life difficult. But don't worry! We have found the ideal combination for fighting these pesky bloodsuckers.

UV ray gun and stake launcher - the unbeatable duo

To make defeating every vampire in Redfall easier, you first need a portable UV ray gun. The stronger, the better, but even a weak weapon will work - it just takes longer. Your goal is to temporarily petrify the opponent with the ray. With a suitable weapon, this should not take longer than a few seconds.

Next, you'll need a stake launcher. The strength of this weapon is crucial, so you should always use your most powerful version or purchase stronger versions if necessary. Visit the Redfall page for this.

The strategy behind the combination

The strategy is quite simple: petrify the enemy with the UV ray gun. Once they are frozen, you have a few seconds to inflict damage. Combined with the stake launcher and aimed for a critical hit, this deals enormous damage. Every sub-boss and Rook I've used this tactic on has been defeated with a single stake. It's truly that powerful.

Exceptions for normal vampires

However, I wouldn't recommend this method for normal vampires. They should die with a single stake, so it would be better to use another weapon with additional health through stakes to stay alive.

Conclusion: An unbeatable combination against strong vampires

The combination of UV ray gun and stake launcher proves to be extremely effective in the fight against the stronger vampires in Redfall. By petrifying your opponents and hitting them with targeted stake shots, you can quickly and efficiently take them down. Try it out and see for yourself the power of this tactic!

If you're looking for more tips and tricks about Redfall or need a Steam key for the game, just visit our website. Good luck in the fight against the bloodsuckers!

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