Bribón is no longer idle after using the Siren ability, and nests are now unlocked at the right time in New Game Plus. There is more medical supplies and fewer unresponsive enemies in combat. Bellwether enemies, cultists, and vampires have all received combat enhancements, such as faster reaction times and better hit chances. The Rook is more persistent, and lightning no longer hits players through roofs.
Enemies are more likely to wake up when players make noise and will move towards the biggest threat, whether it's a player or a hostile faction. Enemy animations and pathfinding have been improved. In the open world, encountering different enemies is more likely, and they can no longer shoot through walls. Numerous visual issues have been fixed, and lighting and audio adjustments have been made.
In multiplayer mode, there is an increased chance of encountering enemies with special abilities and better lobby stability. Other general adjustments include environment improvements (such as improved reflections), game performance, and accessibility (such as button mapping and narration). There are also some UI changes, such as disappearing nameplates or health bars when fast traveling is canceled.
This is hopefully the first step in getting Redfall back on track. You can find the full patch notes here for more detailed information on the changes. If you're interested in getting the game at a discounted price, check out our Redfall Keys or discover more great deals for Steam Keys.
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