Resident Evil 4 Remake - No cut content in game

07 January 2023
Resident Evil 4 Remake - No cut content in game

The developers of the upcoming Resident Evil 4 Remake have confirmed that no content from the original will be removed. In an interview with Edge magazine, the developers explained that the remake will stay true to the original and no content will be removed.

Insights into Development

According to Capcom, the team was originally split into three parts to work individually on the village, castle, and island areas. After each part of the game was completed, the developers came back together to make revisions and adjust the pace. They also stated that there would be more to discover on the island than in the original, without going into further detail.

Previously, the producer of the Resident Evil 4 remake had already revealed that the game is in its final development phase and he is preparing to share more information.