Resident Evil 4 Remake - No Quick-Time-Events, Yes Sidequests

01 February 2023, 18:00 / by Fabian Roßbach
Resident Evil 4 Remake - No Quick-Time-Events, Yes Sidequests

The soon-to-be-released and eagerly awaited remake of Resident Evil 4 is now armed with new information. Capcom confirms the removal of Quick-Time-Events and adds new surprises.

The most significant change compared to the original is the removal of Quick-Time Events. Side quests are to be used instead, which can be collected in the game using blue flyers. You can solve the quests by either solving the puzzle or tracking down a certain enemy, if not killing them. The blue medallion collectible that was included in the original will also be returning in the remake.

As another gameplay change, Capcom has come up with a limited durability of the knife. After a certain number of uses, this breaks. You can keep several knives in your inventory or buy new items from your trusted merchant using jewels.

Something new will also be that there will be no health bars for Ashley. If she takes too much damage, she will enter a "depressed state" and must be revived. If she is hit again in this state, she will die.

Resident Evil 4 Remake will be released on March 24th on PS4, PS5, PC and Xbox Series X|S.

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