Rust Beginner's Guide - how to survive the first days in the survival game

06 April 2020, 11:16 / by Fabian Roßbach
Rust Beginner's Guide - how to survive the first days in the survival game

In 2013, British development studio Facepunch Studios released "Rust" (Early access), a revolutionary survival game that has been sold as a full game since 2018. So far, the online multiplayer game is only available for PC, but is scheduled to be ported to Xbox One and Playstation 4 in 2020.

The game principle of Rust is relatively simple: You spawn on a huge, post-apocalyptic island and primarily fight for pure survival. The more time you invest, the better materials and weapons you will find through your own craftsmanship or by looting abandoned construction sites. Often you will meet other players with whom you can interact. But beware: not all players meet you friendly. Many also try to lure you into a trap and kill you to get to your inventory.

In particular, for users of similar games like "ARK: Survival Evolved" or "DayZ", Rust is very interesting because the mixture of the survival and strategy genre offers a unique gaming experience. Due to the relatively simple and quickly learnable game mechanics, Rust is a real video game hit for newcomers in this field, for which the success and the positive user reviews speak.

To ease your beginning into the "Rust everyday life" and the survival fight connected to it, we have gathered extremely helpful tips for you below.

First, you should choose a server that supports your game intentions: If you primarily want to fight against other online players, choose a PvP server. But if you rather want to interact peacefully with other users, you should choose a PvE server. Furthermore, there are different game and server modes, where you should find the mode corresponding to your game expectations.

After choosing the right server, survival starts from the very first second. Playing with friends is advantageous for this, because in groups you can discover more and defeat stronger opponents. Also, the fun playing with friends is considerably higher.

In your starter inventory, you only find a stone and a torch. Since food is in the foreground for survival, you should take care of food first. For this, a pig is best in Rust, because it is the easiest to do for beginners. Of course, you can also nourish yourself from all other animals, but most of them are more complicated to catch. In any case, you should roast the hunted animal before eating it by building a campfire with some wood. This has the nice side effect that it also warms you and thus protects you from a cold death.

After that, you should take care of your first weapon. For this, materials like bones and wood are ideal to, for example, make a bone knife or a wooden spear. Equipped with a weapon, you are safer in the fight against animals and opponents.

In the following time, you should take care of a first hut to spend nights safely from animals and other games. However, this wooden hut should be hidden to not attract any opponents.

With these tips, your chances are good to survive the first days in Rust.

You can find more information about Rust or other current video games, as well as price comparisons and much more at

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