Rust Gameplay 2020 - The most important things for your start

17 February 2020, 23:54 / by Tom Schwiha
Rust Gameplay 2020 - The most important things for your start

From DayZ clone to standalone survival spectacle: Rust spent many years in Early Access before the creative minds at Facepunch Studios aimed for an official release. The wait was worth it: The developers constantly made improvements to the gameplay mechanics and orientated themselves to the wishes of the users in order to equip the overcrowded genre with one or the other new facet.

In the beginning was man

At first glance, Rust gameplay only differs rudimentarily from the big names in the industry. The premise of the game is as simple and comprehensible as it has been numerous times in recent years: players are released into a limited area, fend for themselves and hope to survive as long as possible. So far, so well known!

Rust, however, takes it one step further. Because before even thinking about warrior skills, the basic human needs have to be covered. In Rust, participants start with only a stone and a torch. Everything else has to be worked hard for! The development from the naked human being to the hardly conquerable fighting machine is a real challenge for newcomers, but also motivates them to jump over their own shadow and become better. With each round, the start gets easier.

Learning by dying

Regardless of the amount of experience already gained, one truth remains omnipresent and unavoidable: everything in Rust is designed to kill your character! This starts with your spawn point, extends to the more or less simple acquisition of resources, and ends with other players who are no less interested in their success.

The fact that players start the struggle for survival randomly on the coast makes the first minutes extremely difficult. For example, freshwater can only be obtained inland. The relevant materials and huntable animals are only available when players move, making them also attackable. The safe coast is only superficially such. Whoever lingers too long has already lost. Much more important is to take risks, to try out an approach that fits your own game and to be ahead of the competition - no matter what the cost.

The Way to Your Own Home

Minecraft is one of the most popular games of the past decade. So it's no wonder that the developers of Rust have orientated themselves on the pixel pioneer. If you bite into the grass too quickly because you fall victim to the natural conditions or an experienced player, you will start over immediately. And that at any place! It is therefore all the more important to get to the necessary resources as quickly as possible in order to build a house in the world.

The Creeper equivalent in Rust are again the dear fellow players. Because even a semi-professionally built accommodation is far from enough to escape all attacks. It is better to improve and make the home more resistant. The Rust gameplay is deliberately designed to cause frustration moments. Only then is the imminent success so much more rewarding! What feels like an endless Sisyphean task in the first hours is nothing more than the first step in the right direction.

Friend or Foe?

Speaking of teammates: Dealing with them is undoubtedly the cherry on top of Rust. The fact that most guides warn against blindly joining other players on the server gives an insight into the complexity. Some survival veterans enjoy confusing the newcomers. First, the blue sky is promised - and already the entry into the fresh base of the newbie has succeeded, is rioting and looting. This can be frustrating, but it is part of the learning effect.

Beginners should be prepared to make manageable progress. On official servers they are designated fresh meat for players who have experience and mastered the Rust gameplay. If you don't want to walk on eggs at the beginning, it is advisable to switch to a less crowded server that is only half as merciless with new players. Alternatively, it means biting the sour apple, staying on the ball and learning the game from scratch in quasi-hardcore mode. No pain, no gain - that also applies in the fictional survival world of Rust!

Why the Rust Game Key is worth it

Rust is not a game for casual gamers who mindlessly stare at the screen and jump from level to level without having to strain themselves too much. On the contrary, it is recommended for the tough player who, like in the classics by FromSoftware, wants to fight and improve.

Those who do not give up immediately will be rewarded with overview and experience after many hours of play. The student becomes the master - and can soon make life difficult for the next generation. Are you interested in diving into the survival adventure and facing challenges of the extra class? Then you should buy the cheapest Rust Key today and give your luck a boost!

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