Satisfactory Update 6 - What's new?

25 September 2022, 18:00 / by Fabian Roßbach
Satisfactory Update 6 - What's new?

Weapon Updates

There are now new types of ammunition in Satisfactory for the Rebar Gun, Nobelisk Detonator, and Rifle. New types of ammunition include, but are not limited to, homing missiles and cluster bombs.

Equipment Update

Another part of the update has overhauled and expanded the equipment system. New slots for body equipment now provide space for head, back, body, and leg equipment.

Exploration Overhauled

The Tropical Spire Coast is a new area in the game. This coast is surrounded by tall mesas that border the Dune Desert and Desert Canyon. There are many branching caves to be found in the mesas.

The Marsh area has been overhauled, which is most noticeable in the plant life. The atmosphere of the Marsh has become even darker and more unsettling. The terrain itself and the resources have not been overhauled.

The clouds have also received a nice update and are now dynamic. In addition, players can now unlock the map as a Tier 1 technology, and the beacons have been replaced by map markers.

Monster AI Overhauled

As mentioned, the developers have also heavily overhauled the monster AI. In addition to visual adjustments, they now behave differently.

More New Features

The research trees have been slightly overhauled or optimized in Update 6. The most bizarre new feature are definitely the Boomboxes. Scattered throughout the game world are different tapes for the Boombox. Of course, you can also buy the tapes in the shop. The Boombox can now be carried around very casually to listen to music, but it can also be used as a weapon. The opponents just fly away and you have peace - or not.

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