Scarlet Deer Inn - Dive into the mysterious underworld

17 July 2023, 12:40 / by Tom Schwiha
Scarlet Deer Inn - Dive into the mysterious underworld

Welcome to the Scarlet Deer Inn

Welcome, dear gamers, to a new journey of discovery into the wondrous world of the Scarlet Deer Inn. Let us take a closer look beneath the shiny surface of this idyllic village. Will we find only darkness and silence there? Not at all! A new trailer reveals a vast underworld just waiting to be explored by you.

A game with a unique art style

What sets Scarlet Deer Inn apart is its unmistakable look. Imagine playing a living cross-stitch artwork! Co-creator Eva Navratilova painstakingly embroidered each character with attention to detail before they were scanned into the game. The result is an art style reminiscent of classic Disney animations, with the added charm of handmade needlework.

Exploring the Underworld

Tired of the sun? Then join protagonist Elise on her journey deep underground. Here, the Scarlet Deer Inn reveals its dark side. Elise's only source of light is her torch - her constant companion as she solves tricky puzzles and navigates through dangerous platform scenes.

Impressive Scenes Await You

  • One scene in particular caught my attention: Elise stands before a massive vault room illuminated by thousands of candles - simply breathtaking!
  • Or imagine having to dodge sharp needles - both above and below!
  • These moments remind me of the classic Hollow Knight and once again showcase the developers' creativity.

Get the Key for Scarlet Deer Inn

No fixed release date in sight, but don't worry! You can add Scarlet Deer Inn to your wishlist and stay up-to-date. Or follow developer Attu Games on Twitter for regular updates on the game's development. So join in and discover the fascinating world of Scarlet Deer Inn for yourself!

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