Sea of Thieves 2023 Edition - Fifth Anniversary Community Weekend

04 April 2023, 19:00 / by Fabian Roßbach
Sea of Thieves 2023 Edition - Fifth Anniversary Community Weekend
Have you heard about the fifth anniversary community weekend of Sea of Thieves 2023 Edition? If not, don't worry - I'll summarize the most important information for you and bring you up to speed. Get ready for special rewards, funny statistics, and lots of pirate action!

A weekend full of fun and piracy

Get ready for a jam-packed weekend full of pirate-themed fun and adventure! The fifth anniversary community weekend of Sea of Thieves 2023 Edition promises to be an unforgettable experience for fans of the game. With special rewards, exciting challenges, and plenty of opportunities to show off your pirate skills, this is an event you won't want to miss.

Sea of Thieves has come a long way since its launch five years ago. The loyal community, you and I, have made the game what it is today: a place where we can go on treasure hunts, fight monstrous creatures, and of course, occasionally empty a barrel of rum (or two) together.

The anniversary community weekend was a special event that lasted a whole 24 hours longer than usual. The developers had prepared some special actions and rewards for us, and we achieved and enjoyed them all together.

Rewards and Amusing Statistics

If you logged in during the community weekend, you could get the Gilded Flag of Fellowship, the Baker's Barrel Disguise Emote, and a Skull of Destiny Voyage. Enjoy your time in the pirate world, mates!

But that's not all: thanks to our active participation on social media and our joint actions in the game, we not only increased the community ambassador multiplier but also made the rare Ancient Skeletons appear more frequently. These blue-boned creatures were suddenly everywhere and gifted us with a total of 50 million Ancient Coins. That was a true pirate treasure!

In addition, there were amusing statistics: during the weekend, a total of 9,177,967 bananas and 9,027,677 coconuts were consumed, while 1,788 burnt leeches had to serve as a snack. My goodness, what we pirates can eat when we're in a festive mood!

Together We Are Strong

The weekend once again showed how great the Sea of Thieves community is. We laughed, fought, and celebrated together. Many of us gathered at the New Golden Sands Outpost to take photos at the photo wall specially built for the anniversary and share them.

In doing so, we not only demonstrated our creativity and passion for the game but also supported and encouraged each other. A total of 19,749,926 items were donated, showing that we as a community can work together to achieve our goals.

Here's to the Next Five Years!

The fifth anniversary community weekend was a success, and I am proud to be a part of this great community. I hope that many more such events will follow and that Sea of Thieves will continue to grow and thrive in the coming years.

Let's raise a glass to the next five years, mate! Or as we pirates say, Ahoy and anchors away!

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