Shrimps arrive in FISHERY - Red Cherry Shrimps and more in new update

09 April 2023, 16:19 / by Tom Schwiha
Shrimps arrive in FISHERY - Red Cherry Shrimps and more in new update
As promised, the development team of FISHERY has finally introduced shrimp into the game. In this update, male and female red cherry shrimp have been introduced, which move around in the game and exhibit typical shrimp behavior. They start out small but grow over time, just like the fish in the game. However, despite the team's hard work to release this long-awaited update, there are some minor inconsistencies. These include the reproduction of shrimp, which has not yet been activated, as well as missing information about the gender of the animals in the inventory. Additionally, shrimp cannot yet be stored in the fish storage inventory, and some animations and behaviors are still in progress.

More updates planned

The developers have announced that they plan to release another update in a week's time to address the existing inconsistencies and add more colors of shrimp. Yellow cherry shrimp and dream blue velvet shrimp are planned to be added. Over time, more animations, behaviors, and varieties will be added.

Long-standing player requests fulfilled

Some players have been asking for shrimp in the game for four years, so this update is likely to bring great joy to many of them. Despite the small inconsistencies, this update shows that the development team takes their promises seriously and is continuously working to improve the game.

Get ready for a fun weekend in FISHERY

With the new update, you're in for a fun weekend in FISHERY. Try out the red cherry shrimp and look forward to future improvements and additions to the game. The Fishery team wishes all players a lot of fun discovering the new shrimp and is looking forward to providing more updates.

Conclusion: An exciting update for FISHERY fans

Overall, the new update for FISHERY is an exciting step in the right direction. The introduction of red cherry shrimp shows that the development team is committed to continuously expanding the game and responding to player requests. Although there are still some minor inconsistencies, we can look forward to future improvements and innovations.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of FISHERY and discover the fascinating new shrimp that have just arrived. Have fun playing and see you at the next update!

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