Shroud of the Avatar - new Ultima

16 April 2020, 19:14 / by Fabian Roßbach
Shroud of the Avatar - new Ultima

The old Ultima games are a classic. So it's no wonder that the gaming scene took notice when Richard "Lord British" Garriott spoke of an unofficial sequel. Its name? Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues! The game presents itself as an MMO spectacle with singleplayer option in a more or less open world.

While the test phase was accompanied by criticism and many gamers seemed more disappointed than excited, the developers have made fine adjustments and brought the gaming experience up to date. Shroud of the Avatar may not be a new Ultima Online. But those who can look beyond the small weaknesses are looking forward to an interesting MMO that focuses on its own qualities!

Advanced Character Creation

As part of character development, all conceivable options are available. Shroud of the Avatar foregoes forcing its players into tight class systems. Instead, they themselves choose where the proverbial journey goes. This trick requires a small amount of experience. It is by no means inconceivable that players will notice after a few hours that they have made the wrong decisions.

Either way: Shroud of the Avatar is perfect for gamers who look beyond the horizon, are not afraid of any challenge and want to delve into a game that does not provide a perfect skill tree. It is more exciting than ever to join guilds and groups and benefit from the individual advantages of the members.

MMORPG with Single-Player Mode?

Dark overlords, zombies, mysterious swords and ruins: In terms of the story, Shroud of the Avatar is on familiar terrain. As so often, it is primarily up to the players themselves to create an interesting environment and fill the huge world with life. This works excellently because the developers have relied on a comprehensive crafting and housing concept. Players are even free to buy land and build huge castles.

It seems a bit strange that a single-player mode has been implemented. As much as it may make sense to serve players who prefer to play offline and alone: The adventure just doesn't seem to work without real players.

A Dream for Bookworms

MMOs live from the possibility of immersing yourself in a world that couldn't be more colorful and interesting. And in any case, the great variety of evening-filling quests is remarkable. However, their representation is rather designed for bookworms. While the competition relies on speech output, the adventures in Shroud of the Avatar are told in text form.

This is by no means bad, but after a while it is a bit tedious. Because players have to read so many dialogues that some decisions are left behind because they were simply overlooked. In addition, it turns out to be a disadvantage that NPCs rarely react to the player and his progress. In part, they don't even seem to notice us. Too bad!

Why the Shroud of the Avatar Key is worth buying

Shroud of the Avatar is a special game - there is no way around it. Almost everything went wrong during development, which could have gone wrong. Nevertheless, the MMORPG fascinates with depth and its curiosity factor. If you want to go on an adventure yourself, you are well advised to orient yourself on our price comparison!

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