Skyrim - The New Starfrost Survival Mod

07 August 2023, 13:56 / by Tom Schwiha
Skyrim - The New Starfrost Survival Mod

Welcome to the harsh world of Skyrim

Imagine yourself in the icy world of Skyrim. You're fighting dragons, completing quests - all while trying to get enough sleep, treat injuries, and protect yourself from deadly cold. That's the survival experience in Bethesda's classic Skyrim. Sounds exhausting? It is. But a new mod called Starfrost aims to change that.

What is Starfrost?

Starfrost is a mod developed by the Simonrim team to make the survival experience in Skyrim less punishing. The mod removes many unnecessary mechanics from the original survival mode, resulting in a more enjoyable gameplay. But what does that mean exactly?

The Changes in Detail

First of all, injuries are being redefined. If you have the "Blade and Blunt" mod installed, there is a chance of getting injured and losing a percentage of your maximum health. To heal these injuries, you need to sleep for a certain amount of time - either in a bed or on a sleeping roll. Without treatment, injuries can even become infected and reduce your health regeneration to a halt.

Speaking of sleep: In Skyrim with the active Starfrost mod, sufficient sleep is mandatory. Without enough rest, your maximum stamina and magic gradually decrease. But it's worth it too: Different sleep durations grant you additional experience points.

With the Gourmet Chef mod, you receive food that can increase the regeneration of health, stamina, and magic. If you have multiple of these bonuses activated at the same time, your experience gain is even increased.

Redefining Cold and Heat

Further changes affect the cold and heat mechanics of the game. In Skyrim with Starfrost, warmth is standardized based on the equipment you wear. If you step out of your icy armor into warm clothing or rest near a source of fire or in an inn, your warmth increases quickly.

But beware of the cold! It has a negative effect on your health and can slow down your movement or damage your stamina with different levels of cold. And now it gets really frosty: Freezing water is now more dangerous than before!

More Innovations in Store

In addition to all these changes, Starfrost has also done something about carrying capacity - and diseases as well as vampires and werewolves in Simonrim Survival mode are also getting their fair share.

How Can I Get the Mod?

You are now curious and want to enhance your own survival experience in Skyrim? Then get the Skyrim Survival Mod! It is available here and recommends additional mods for optional integration for an even more immersive gaming experience.

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