Smalland: Survive the Wilds - Update with Desired Features

16 June 2023
Smalland: Survive the Wilds - Update with Desired Features

New update for Smalland: Survive the Wilds

Hello dear gamers! There is great news for all fans of Smalland: Survive the Wilds. The game has received a new update that includes many improvements and system updates requested by the community. In this article, we will introduce you to the most exciting changes. So let's get started!

The most important changes at a glance

  • Parrying: Block just before being hit to parry. This will briefly stun the attacking creature!
  • Naming your creatures: Approach a tamed creature and examine it to give it a name!
  • Changes to creature taming:
    • Tamed creatures now have 200% health!
    • You can tame more than one creature at a time. There is no limit, you can have 50 ladybugs or one of each creature or 50 of each creature!
    • You can only have one active creature at a time, meaning the other tamed creatures will remain inactive.
    • The developers have big plans for creature taming and this is just the first step!
  • Visualization of building area for the Great Tree: Equipping a building hammer on your Great Tree will display a transparent wall so you can see the boundary of where your constructions will be saved.
  • Multiple items from boss enemies: Boss creatures will now drop the same number of important crafting items as there are players in the world. This means you no longer have to fight a boss multiple times for everyone to progress.
  • Improved animations for the water strider and cockroach creatures with more realistic attacks.

Further system improvements are planned in the coming weeks, so stay tuned! If you don't already own the game, check out Keyfuchs to get your Smalland: Survive the Wilds Steam Key.

Follow Smalland on Twitter and join the Smalland Discord to stay up to date and connect with other players. Have fun playing and exploring the new features!