Sons of the Forest - Just a tired clone or better?

28 December 2020
Sons of the Forest - Just a tired clone or better?

What Sons of the Forest is about

In Sons of the Forest, the player takes on the role of a soldier who, along with his comrades, is flying in a helicopter over a vast forest. Out of nowhere, the helicopter is attacked, hit, and crashes. The player is the only survivor of the crash and now faces the challenges of surviving in an opaque forest full of dangers. The most dangerous threat comes from the flesh-eating mutants who control this area.

Current information about Sons of the Forest

Sons of the Forest is the long-awaited sequel to the survival hit The Forest. So far, only the year 2021 has been given as the release date, and no further details are known. The developer, Endnight Games, has also not yet commented on the gameplay. It is known that surviving in a dark forest and fighting mutants and cannibals will again be a central element of the game. To what extent resource gathering, base building, and crafting will play the same role as in the predecessor remains pure speculation at this point. Nevertheless, it is more than likely that this successful recipe will be used again.

The scenes shown in the trailer convey the feeling that Sons of the Forest will offer little innovation. Rather, many elements are already known from the first part. There would be the crash over a forest, the numerous caves, and of course the bloodthirsty mutated humans as opponents. Even the much-praised multiplayer co-op mode is likely to return. But will Sons of the Forest be more than just a copy of the first part with reheated ideas? We are convinced of this, but even if it is only a new adaptation of The Forest in a modern, contemporary appearance, we can expect an extremely entertaining game.

The target group of Sons of the Forest

Sons of the Forest will be of interest to those people who have already had a lot of fun with the first part. The mixture of survival and horror game addresses two different, but still well-harmonizing genres. We can be curious about which further information will be hidden in the future trailers.