Sons of the Forest: Tips for Beginners and Pros - Start Your Survival Adventure Successfully

16 April 2023, 15:15 / by Tom Schwiha
Sons of the Forest: Tips for Beginners and Pros - Start Your Survival Adventure Successfully

Welcome to the Forest

You're ready to dive into the adventure of Sons of the Forest, but you're not quite sure what to look out for? Don't worry, we've put together a list of helpful tips that are useful for both beginners and advanced players. With these tips, you can increase your chances of survival and enjoy the game even more. But be warned, there may be some minor spoilers!

Base Building, Resources, and Food

Your base is a crucial factor for your survival in Sons of the Forest. Here are some tips for efficient base building, managing your resources, and acquiring food:

  • Build your base near fresh water and downstream.
  • Use the river to gather and transport wood.
    • If the river is deep enough, it will transport the wood downstream.
  • The direction you aim for the last axe swing determines the direction the tree falls.
  • Build a dam to catch resources in the river.
  • Let Kelvin gather wood while you do other tasks.
  • Throw wood directly into the storage to save time.
    • The storage will automatically sort it.

Furthermore, it is important to protect your base from intruders and have enough food available:

  • Protect your base from intruders with a door with a lock and spiky walls.
    • Use tree trunks, sticks, and large stones to help.
  • You can completely eliminate structural damage to make your base more secure.
    • You can find the option in the settings.
  • Build ramps for quick access to higher parts of your building during construction.
    • Instead of struggling up the stairs every time, just build a ramp outside.
  • You can move furniture or recover resources from it.
    • Use "C" to dismantle the finished piece of furniture and place it elsewhere.
    • If you have a piece of furniture in your hand, simply discard it with G to recover the resources.
  • Remove tree stumps to make room for expansions.
    • Just hit them with an axe.

Hunting and Food Gathering

To be successful in Sons of the Forest, you also need to hunt and gather food effectively. Here are some tips:

  • Collect seagull feathers on the beach for more arrows.
    • If you kill a bird, you can hit it with an axe twice to get more feathers.
  • Collect small stones on the beach for arrows and slingshots.
  • Place skull triangles near your base to attract birds and collect feathers.
  • Use 3D printers to make 3D-printed arrows.
  • Hunt moose for food and resources.
    • They give the most meat.

Exploration and Transportation

The world of Sons of the Forest is vast and has many secrets to offer. To discover them, it is important to use efficient methods of transportation:

  • Climb steep cliffs by sprinting and jumping.
    • Alternatively, the Knight V is also a good option.
  • Slide down steep cliffs by sliding along the wall to avoid fall damage.
  • Use the sled for fast travel and to avoid fall damage.
  • The sled also works on unpaved terrain and grassy areas.
  • Use the hang glider to quickly cover long distances and explore interesting places from the air.

Combat and Defense Tips

In Sons of the Forest, you will encounter many dangers, so it is important to master effective combat and defense tactics:

  • Aim for the head of enemies for more effective shots.
  • Collect shot arrows again to save resources.
  • Give Virginia weapons to effectively defend your base.
    • Virginia doesn't need ammunition.
  • Scare cannibals by knocking them down and standing over them.
  • Use killed cannibals by burning their bodies and collecting bones.

Now you are well equipped to be successful in Sons of the Forest. Have fun exploring the world and surviving in the forest! And if you want to discover more games, check out our Steam Keys.

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