Sony - Integration of NFTs into gaming ecosystem

14 February 2023
Sony - Integration of NFTs into gaming ecosystem

Sony has filed a patent exploring the integration of NFTs into its gaming ecosystems. According to the patent, it would allow users to rent NFTs from games that would then be put back on the market after the rental period.

The aim is to enable players to own in-game characters or digital art. Other video game companies such as Gamestop, Ubisoft and Square Enix are also building NFT marketplaces, however NFTs in the video game industry have had a bad reputation and have often been rejected by players.

  • A patent shows that Sony wants to use NFTs in games
  • Renting NFTs allows players to acquire ownership of in-game characters
  • Other video game companies are also building NFT marketplaces
  • Supporters view NFTs as a replacement for cosmetic and microtransaction items in games
  • Critics say that NFTs represent an unnecessary monetization
  • Sony's introduction of NFTs is likely to encounter rejection from players again.