Spirit of the North - A magical journey

06 June 2020, 18:40 / by Fabian Roßbach
Spirit of the North - A magical journey

While many video games try to impress with action, fast-paced fights, or realistic sequences, others see themselves as works of art and tell their stories in different ways. Especially away from the AAA titles, you will often find innovative game concepts in the indie sector that create a gaming experience that touches you as a player and also stays in your memory for a long time after you have finished the game. The adventure Spirit of the North by Infuse Studios certainly belongs in this category. It was released in May 2020 for PC, PS4 and Nintendo Switch.

The third-person adventure takes you into a atmospheric and moody game world, which is based on the landscape of Spirit Islands and thus captures the special magic of the cold north. So you can look forward to impressive mountain ranges, wide grasslands and snow-covered fields as well as impressive caves and ruins that provide an intense and extraordinary aura at any time. The adventure creates a magical atmosphere through the use of light and shadow, which fits perfectly with the Nordic folklore on which the game is based.

What makes Spirit of the North special is that you take on the role of a fox exploring a vast, stunning landscape. Throughout his adventure, he repeatedly encounters the ghost of a female fox who helps him uncover the secrets and history of the region. Spirit of the North also relies on a story that is entirely told without dialogue. This makes it all the more important to examine the environment closely and use mystical runes and puzzles to learn more about the lost civilization that once lived in the region. The extraordinary atmosphere is made even more intense by the fact that the fox only explores the places in the company of a ghostly creature, so as a player you are not distracted by other characters, but can concentrate fully on the unique atmosphere.

Are you looking for an extraordinary adventure that will captivate you with its intense atmosphere and tell an innovative story away from the mainstream? Then Spirit of the North will take you on a very special journey to many magical places. On Keyfuchs.de you will find too many exciting information and news about the innovative adventure of Infuse Studios. Here you will also find the right Spirit of the North key for your favorite platform and can save money when buying the game thanks to the practical price comparison, which shows you offers from different key sellers.

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