Star Citizen - What are the further plans?

01 April 2021
Star Citizen - What are the further plans?

Star Citizen is a game by developer Cloud Imperium that can best be described as an ongoing project. So far, the space flight simulator has no release date, but is still in alpha version. The project has raised more than 350 million dollars in a crowdfunding campaign so far, making Star Citizen the record holder in this category. But where is the project currently and how do the developer's further plans for Star Citizen look?

As early as 2019, Cloud Imperium realized that they would not be able to cope with this enormous undertaking on their own and hired an external partner on board. Now it has been announced that Firesprite has been commissioned to develop its own new game mode. Specifically, this is a mode called Theatre of War, in which up to 40 players can compete in air battles. But Cloud Imperium itself has set countless goals for how to continue with the space simulation. For example, countless new spaceships are to be implemented, improved graphics and physics behaviour integrated and new content created for the single-player campaign. The new planned weapon systems such as laser cannons and healing robots are also interesting, which will make space battles even more varied.

Star Citizen thus remains a project in progress, in which the huge crowdfunding amount actually flows into the game development. When the space adventure will appear as a finished game, however, is probably still up in the stars. But when it does, you can be sure to find the cheapest Star Citizen Key here.