Star Wars Eclipse - An innovation for Quantic Dream

17 September 2022
Star Wars Eclipse - An innovation for Quantic Dream

Quantic Dream has revealed a few new details about Star Wars Eclipse. The game will follow the well-known and popular Quantic Dream recipe. This includes a strong story, strong characters, multiple playable characters, and a plot that is heavily influenced by the player's decisions.

Quantic Dream has already mentioned that Star Wars Eclipse is an action-adventure game and will remain so. The developer studio is mostly known for story-driven titles. These include Detroit: Become Human, Heavy Rain, or Beyond: Two Souls. But for Star Wars Eclipse, the studio wants to try something new and innovative - at least for the developer this is rather new territory.

Lightsaber fights and pure action

At least that's what Quantic Dream envisions. How the implementation looks like is still unknown. Also unknown is whether the Quick Time Events, which Quantic Dream likes to use, will occur in Eclipse.