Star Wars: The Old Republic - Now in 64-bit on PTS!

21 December 2022
Star Wars: The Old Republic - Now in 64-bit on PTS!

Yes, you read that right: The Public Test Server is now open to players who want to finally experience their favorite game in 64-bit. Here's why that can be a big advantage for you.

Why switch to 64-bit?

Star Wars: The Old Republic was originally released in 32-bit to run on the PCs available at the time. With the passage of time and the steady improvement in technology, 32-bit PCs are no longer up to date. The last 32-bit PC processor was released in 2010.

A significant advantage of switching to 64-bit code is the amount of memory you can use and bypass the process limitation that had hampered the creation of new content. In addition, switching to 64-bit ensures that the game runs smoothly by ensuring that it is running in the preferred mode for the hardware.

What will you see differently on the PTS?

The content included in Game Update 7.2 will be released for testing. Ideally, you should not notice any difference in the gameplay experience in terms of playability. This is to ensure that the game still works the same as before. However, the PTS is only available in English.

If something does not work as expected, the developers ask you for feedback so they can respond.