Stardew Valley Update 1.6 - New content and improvements for modders

17 April 2023, 11:06 / by Tom Schwiha
Stardew Valley Update 1.6 - New content and improvements for modders

Stardew Valley Update 1.6: Everything You Need to Know

Eric "ConcernedApe" Barone, the creator of Stardew Valley, recently announced on Twitter the upcoming Update 1.6. Although the main focus of this update is on changes for modders, Barone promises new content for all players as well.

An interesting development is Barone's pause on working on his new game Haunted Chocolatier to focus on completing Update 1.6. But don't worry - Haunted Chocolatier is still being developed and will be released when it's ready.

Changes for Modders

The upcoming update 1.6 of Stardew Valley aims to make mod creation easier and more powerful. With an already active modding community, it will be exciting to see what new possibilities experienced modders will have. Previous updates of Stardew Valley (1.1-5) have brought numerous new contents and improvements, so we can expect a lot from update 1.6 as well.

New Contents in Update 1.6

Although update 1.6 is expected to bring fewer new contents than the extensive update 1.5, we can still look forward to some interesting new features. Details about the new contents are still scarce, but the developers will surely keep us updated.

When Will the Update Be Released?

An exact release date for Stardew Valley update 1.6 is not yet known. However, given the current developments and pauses, we should not have to wait too long for the update.


  • Stardew Valley update 1.6 is coming and will bring changes for modders and new contents.
  • Eric Barone paused the work on Haunted Chocolatier to focus on the update.
  • A release date is yet to be announced, but the wait should be manageable.

For fans of Stardew Valley, it is always exciting to see what new features and improvements the updates bring. Although update 1.6 is expected to be less extensive than its predecessor, we can still look forward to some interesting new features and an improved modding experience.

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