Starfield - You absolutely need to know this

10 September 2022, 13:05 / by Fabian Roßbach
Starfield - You absolutely need to know this

Starfield is likely to be one of the biggest games of 2023. Originally scheduled to release this year, Bethesda released a 15-minute gameplay trailer as a consolation. 

The trailer revealed quite a bit of new information about Starfield. We've analyzed the gameplay trailer and summarized the most important points for you.

Over 1,000 planets

There will be over 100 star systems in Starfield. In the video, a small section of a galaxy map was shown, which, in addition to Alpha Centauri, Jaffa, Narion, also showed the Sol system. That is, the system we call home. So maybe it's possible to visit Mars before Elon Musk sets foot on it. In a later sequence, a player walks past a half-buried NASA rover on a dusty red planet.

Character Creation

In the character creation section, you can see some interesting things in addition to a few smaller adjustment options. The "Starter Home" property is also shown there. It is described as follows: "You own a small house on a peaceful little moon, but this is mortgaged with 50,000 credits at GalBank." Another property called "Kid Stuff" was also seen and described as follows: "Your parents are healthy and you can visit their house. In return, you have to send 10% of your earned money to them." This sounds a little perfidious, but in the long run the house with the mortgage will probably be more lucrative.


Lockpicking is already known from Fallout and Skyrim and will also be present in Starfield. With the so-called "Digipicks" you have to crack electronic locks. These act as a digital version of a lock pick and will probably also be consumed. 

Mute character

No sequence was seen in the trailer in which the character speaks. Bethesda officially confirmed this afterwards. In Starfield, the character will remain silent.

Space Religions

In the future of Starfield, religions will still exist and play an important role in the game. In the attribute system, there was talk of "Raised Universal", which apparently gives a discount in the so-called church shop. But in return, a Raised Universal cannot use the "the Enlightened store".

Another religion seems to be the "Serpent's Embrace", or the "Embrace of the Snake". If you have been worshiping the "Great Snake" since childhood, there is a health and stamina boost after every gravity jump. 

Genetic manipulation for character customization

In Starfield, there are genetic laboratories that can change the player's DNA. So both the appearance and abilities of the player's character can be changed. Fallout 4 and Skyrim players already know this from older Bethesda titles.

Complex Skill System

The video also showed a clip of the skill system in Starfield. This appears to be divided into 5 categories: Physical, Social, Combat, Science and Tech. Using skill points, you can improve skills in the individual categories, which in turn are divided into different ranks. So under "Combat" there will be, for example, the "Ballistics" skill. This is described with "Centuries of conflict have shown: When it comes to eliminating threats, fire is one of the most reliable methods."

The improvements of the ranks are:

Rank 1: Ballistic weapons do 10% more damage.
Rank 2: Ballistic weapons do 20% more damage
Rank 3: Ballistic weapons do 30% more damage
Rank 4: The range of ballistic weapons is increased by 30%.

Another element of the skill system or the skills are challenges to these. So it can be seen that with the skill "Combat - Targeting" the first of a total of 125 challenges is "Kill 125 enemies without aiming". Whether and what rewards there are for completing it is not apparent.

Crafting system

The crafting system, which allows the creation of new weapon mods, is at least as interesting. For this you need resources that you can either mine yourself or buy in shops.

Establish Outposts

This is one of our favorites from the video - the outpost system. These can be created and assembled using a modular system. You should be able to freely decide where and how these outposts are. Research can be conducted there, energy can be generated, but also the extraction of raw materials can take place there. In order to make this work on a larger scale, NPCs can be set up to take over certain tasks for you. This way you can build your own outpost empire.

Create your own spaceships

Creating your own spaceships is at least as exciting as the possibilities of the outposts. These consist of various modules and give you as much freedom as never before. These modules are from different manufacturers and also have different styles. To give the whole thing your own touch, each module can be colored individually.

As with the outposts, you can put together a spaceship crew from NPCs. But the size of the spaceships makes this necessary. Whether the system is better for one than, for example, the one from Star Citizen, everyone has to decide for themselves. But we're already getting ready for crazy-looking spaceships that contradict every law of nature.

What Starfield feature are you most looking forward to?

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