Starfield and Lucozade - A Crazy Collaboration in the Gaming Universe

03 April 2023, 23:20 / by Fabian Roßbach
Starfield and Lucozade - A Crazy Collaboration in the Gaming Universe

Have you ever wished that your favorite science fiction game and your preferred energy drink would team up for a crazy but fun collaboration? Well, we have good news for you: the world of Starfield and the energy drink Lucozade have joined forces for a promotional campaign that is sure to be out of this world!

What can we expect from this quirky collaboration?

The collaboration between Starfield, the highly anticipated RPG title from Bethesda, and Lucozade, the popular energy drink from the UK, may seem a bit crazy, but in times of video game cross-promotion, such quirky partnerships are not uncommon. The promotion is limited to the UK and Ireland and runs until June 30th. To participate in the giveaway, one must purchase a Starfield Lucozade promotional pack and scan a QR code. Participants then have the chance to win consoles and Xbox Game Pass as part of the giveaway.

How to discover the Starfield x Lucozade promotion

The Starfield Lucozade bottles are easy to spot: they are adorned with futuristic spaceships, robots, and the Xbox logo. Despite the creative marketing, Starfield is unlikely to feature a world with lemonade-like rivers and orange-flavored rain. But one can dream, right?

Other quirky gaming and beverage collaborations

The Starfield and Lucozade collaboration is not the first of its kind. In the past, there have been some curious partnerships, such as the Halo Infinite Monster Energy promotion or the Sonic the Hedgehog G-Fuel promo. Such cross-promotions are nothing new, but they give the brands involved increased visibility and offer fans the chance to win cool prizes.


The partnership between Starfield and Lucozade may be unusual, but it shows how creative marketing can be in the gaming industry. It's a shame that we can't participate in this promotion in Germany, but it's still exciting to see how the gaming industry and the world of beverages intersect. Stay vigilant for similar promotions in the future and let's hope that we too can soon enjoy such crazy collaborations!

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