Starfield: A Look at the Weapons in Bethesda's New Space Epic - Dive into the weapon selection of Starfield, the new space RPG by Bethesda. Learn more about the weapon classes Combatech, Kore Mag, and Laredo.

02 July 2023, 19:20 / by Fabian Roßbach
Starfield: A Look at the Weapons in Bethesda's New Space Epic - Dive into the weapon selection of Starfield, the new space RPG by Bethesda. Learn more about the weapon classes Combatech, Kore Mag, and Laredo.

Starfield: The Arsenal of the Future

The endless expanse of space in Starfield is home to unknown species, pesky gangs, and hopefully, great loot. With the numerous Starfield planets to land on, Dave Olds, the lead weapon designer at Bethesda, explains how your Starfield weapons are ready and willing for the dangerous task of space exploration in what could be one of the best Xbox RPG games in 2023.

Olds describes his approach to weapon creation across multiple Bethesda titles, stating, "In Starfield, we wanted to create Combatech weapons that are optimized for space travel. This meant reducing weight as much as possible and making things as compact as possible to fit in the cramped spaces of a spaceship."

Light Weapons for Heavy Tasks

Instead of adopting bulkier designs that you might see in shooters like Modern Warfare 2 or Apex Legends, Olds explains in his Bethesda interview that "our Combatech weapons are made of lightweight metal alloys and polymers, and are mostly bullpup designs."

Kore Mag and Laredo - More than just firearms

In addition to Combatech weapons, Olds also mentions the presence of weapons under the categories 'Kore Mag' and 'Laredo'. "Early on, I had a fun idea for electromagnetically powered weapons for Starfield [...] the result was the Kore Mag weapons in Starfield. If you look closely at the gameplay reveal trailer, you can even spot one," Olds remarks.

An Arsenal to Fall in Love With

The Laredo weapons seem to be particularly fun - but we want to try out that 25-barrel mega weapon first. If any of your Starfield companions are in danger, Olds' sheer amount of weapons should make getting out of trouble quite easy. We're counting down the days until the release date of Starfield and waiting for our chance to wield them.

From Space Cowboy to Gunslinger

The idea of becoming a space cowboy is very tempting, and with the availability of galactic revolvers, those dreams of becoming the ultimate gunslinger are getting closer. Pre-orders for Starfield are already underway, and when choosing an edition of the game, you might feel overwhelmed. After all, the Chronomark watch is beautiful.

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