Steam - Steam reaches 10 million active users for the first time

08 January 2023, 21:31 / by Fabian Roßbach
Steam - Steam reaches 10 million active users for the first time

It seems that Steam has been breaking its own records for the number of concurrent users in recent years.

According to SteamDB, Steam has once again set a record for the number of concurrent users at 33,078,963 today, with the majority of these users being logged in but inactive. Today Steam has also recorded a record number of 10,284,568 active users.

What is Steam?

Steam is an online platform for purchasing and downloading PC games developed by Valve Corporation. It is particularly popular because it offers a large selection of games at affordable prices and a variety of features such as multiplayer mode, the ability to play games with friends, and the integration of achievements and achievements.

It is also a convenient way to purchase and download games as everything is handled through a single platform.

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