Steam - Release dates will be less confusing soon

04 November 2022
Steam - Release dates will be less confusing soon

Valve is changing the requirements for developers on how release dates for Steam must be specified. This ends the confusion of different formats and release dates for games.

New requirement from 2023

The new requirement will be introduced on January 1, 2023, and developers will have to specify the data in a clear structure. For this, the developer can choose from one of five styles. Either an exact date (23 August 2024), the month and year (August 2024), the quarter and year (Q3 2024), the year (2024) or just "soon".

In the backend, an exact date will always be requested and the developer can choose one of the five options for the frontend.

So far, developers could enter anything they wanted in this field. In addition to data like "21.09.22 at 13.23 o'clock" there were also things like "SooOOn" or "as soon as possible" on Steam.