Steam search gets better - Find your next favorite game easier than ever

06 May 2023, 22:56 / by Fabian Roßbach
Steam search gets better - Find your next favorite game easier than ever

New features for Steam search

The search for games on Steam has significantly improved thanks to some great changes by Valve. You can now search specifically for developers, publishers, game series, tags, and categories. This means you no longer have to sift through DLCs and other game-related results.

Genre tags and related genres

Searching for genre tags is now possible directly and certain game searches will also show you related genres. This allows you to conveniently browse offers, new releases, and popular games in a genre for a specific game.

Improved handling of typos

Another improvement is the better handling of typos in the search bar. If you accidentally enter a wrong letter or misspell a name, Steam will still show you the correct results. This is particularly helpful for frequently occurring typos and makes it easier to find the desired game.

Display of genres, developers, and game series in the search bar

The search bar now also displays genres, developers, and game series. This means that you no longer have to search for this information separately, but can find it directly in the search bar. This allows you to quickly access the desired content and find your next favorite game.

Benefits of the improved Steam search

Although these changes may seem small, all improvements to the search function should be welcomed in the face of the flood of new games on Steam. The optimized search makes it easier for you to find exactly what you are looking for without having to fight through countless irrelevant results.

Changes also apply to the Steam mobile app

If you use the Steam mobile app, you also benefit from these changes. The improved search is available on both desktop and in the app, providing a consistently pleasant search experience.

Conclusion: A welcome improvement for gamers

Valve updated the search functions due to increased demand for certain store hubs, tags, or developers. These improvements are a step in the right direction and make it easier for gamers to discover new games and expand their gaming horizons. So if you're looking for a new game or just curious about the latest deals and releases, be sure to check out the improved Steam search.

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