Stellaris - Galactic Paragons and the upcoming balance patch

17 May 2023, 09:42 / by Tom Schwiha
Stellaris - Galactic Paragons and the upcoming balance patch

Galactic Paragons and the First Hotfix

Greetings, dear space strategists! The Stellaris team has recently released Galactic Paragons and the first hotfix for all PC platforms. At the same time, they are working on a balance and bug-fixing patch, which is expected to be released by the end of the month. Your thoughts and feedback are extremely valuable to the team.

Future Corrections and Improvements

Based on the feedback received so far, the development team is creating a plan for corrections and improvements. There is a possibility that a stability hotfix may be released before the actual balance patch, but without any design changes.

Cooperative mode and synchronization issues

The 3.8.2 hotfix has already resolved some synchronization issues, but there is still more work to be done. The programming team is heavily focused on eliminating these issues. If you encounter synchronization issues while playing Stellaris, you can help the team by adding specific start parameters to your game and then sharing the corresponding OOS logs in the Bug Report Forum.

Selected information on the balance patch

Some of the planned changes for the upcoming balance patch include:

  • Legendary leaders no longer count towards leader capacity.
  • Admirals commanding fleets recruited by raiders no longer count towards leader capacity.
  • The "Opportunist" leader trait has been added, leaders with this trait do not count towards leader capacity as long as they are below level 4.
  • The "Opportunist" leader trait has been assigned to some leaders created through events.
  • Auto cannons are no longer valued at three times their intended military strength.

Bug fixes and AI improvements

In addition to the balance changes mentioned above, some bugs will be fixed and the AI will be improved. For example, the AI will wait until it has at least 5 planets and 25 years before choosing a specialization function for its home world. In addition, performance optimizations for the leader view are planned.

Preview of next week

The next developer diary for Stellaris will be released on Thursday, May 25th. There you will receive a more complete list of the preliminary patch notes. So stay tuned and check back to stay up to date! And if you don't already own Stellaris or want to buy a Steam Key for it, check out Keyfuchs!

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