Stellaris - Update 3.8.4 "Gemini"

16 June 2023, 08:43 / by Fabian Roßbach
Stellaris - Update 3.8.4 "Gemini"

Stellaris Update 3.8.4 "Gemini": A new step for the popular space strategy game

Hey space enthusiasts! The latest update for Stellaris, version 3.8.4 "Gemini", has been released today and brings some exciting changes. In this article, you will learn everything important about the update and what new features it brings to the game.

The most important changes at a glance

The "Gemini" update mainly contains balance adjustments that aim to make the game fairer and more interesting. One of the bigger changes concerns the conversion of some leader traits into council traits to reduce micromanagement and fix stacking issues.

Leader Traits and Balance

One of the main focuses of the update is the redesign of leader traits. Some general and governor traits that previously encouraged moving leaders from planet to planet have been made into councilor traits or had their modifiers changed. This is intended to prevent players from constantly moving governors around to get the most out of their traits. Additionally, resource production traits have been adjusted so that at least level 2 is required to obtain the first level.

Changes to Empire Size and Bombardment Effectiveness

The size of the empire now has a lower limit of 50 and cannot become negative. In addition, the bombardment effectiveness of large fleets has been increased, and the base rate at which raiding bombardment steals population has been drastically reduced. Each army on a planet now also protects 2 population from the danger of raiding bombardment.

AI Improvements and Bug Fixes

In addition to balance adjustments, some AI issues have been fixed, such as setting a governor without a planet to assign or setting scientists without research ships to assign. Furthermore, the update includes various bug fixes and improvements intended to enhance the overall player experience.

UI Adjustments and Modding

There are also some new features in terms of user interface and modding: the UI has been adjusted and improved in various places, and modders have new options, such as setting the leader portrait container for each position of the new portraits.

Stellaris Free to Play and Co-op

From June 22 to 26, Stellaris is free to play! Take the opportunity to introduce friends to the game or to dive into the world of Stellaris yourself. With the introduction of co-op, you can now conquer the galaxy with other players better than ever before.

In Stellaris multiplayer, the host's DLC is shared among all players in the game - the same goes for co-op, even if one of the players is playing for free. So grab a friend, your planet cracker, and play during the free-to-play weekend!


The 3.8.4 "Gemini" update brings many interesting changes to Stellaris and should make the game even more exciting and fair overall. Take the opportunity to dive into the fascinating world of Stellaris with friends during the free weekend. And if you like the game, consider purchasing a Steam key to enjoy the game permanently and not miss out on future updates.

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