Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life - Your Ultimate Guide to Top-Selling Items

07 July 2023, 14:38 / by Tom Schwiha
Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life - Your Ultimate Guide to Top-Selling Items

Your own market stall in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

Whether you're a seasoned pro in the world of STORY OF SEASONS: A Wonderful Life or just starting out on your journey to cultivate your own piece of land, running your own market stall can be a rewarding and entertaining way to sell your goods. But which items will bring you the most money? And how do you actually set up a stall? Don't worry, we're here to help!

Setting up your stall

In STORY OF SEASONS: A Wonderful Life, you have the opportunity to open your own small sales stall in the Plaza. There, you can offer ten selected items from your red crate to the villagers and sell them for immediate cash - a welcome change from shipping via the farm crate!

The Art of Selling

While you can certainly offer discounts to earn friendship points, you'll probably want to maximize your profits. Therefore, you should always offer your highest quality goods at the highest possible price. And yes, even items that don't fit in the shipping crate can be sold at the marketplace!

The Best Selling Items

Not all items are created equal when it comes to selling. Some definitely bring in more money than others:

  • Wool: Whether it's pink, blue, or golden, wool is one of the most profitable products in STORY OF SEASONS: A Wonderful Life.
  • Goat Milk: While it may not quite match the profitability of wool, goat milk is still a good choice for your stand.
  • Golden Artifacts: These treasures from the excavation sites are worth a lot and even increase in value with each item found!
  • Hybrid Crops: It's not your standard crops that are the stars of the day. Hybrid fruits like Melosweet or Potamelo bring in significantly more money.

With these products on offer, your stand in STORY OF SEASONS: A Wonderful Life is sure to be a success! So get to work and get ready for the business of your life!

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