Super People - All classes at a glance

03 January 2022, 17:13 / by Fabian Roßbach
Super People - All classes at a glance

Super People is a Battle-Royal game by Wonder People. As is typical for the genre, the player lands alone or as a team on the map and has to find or craft weapons and equipment. The goal of the game is to be the last surviving.

All twelve classes at a glance

To differentiate itself from other Battle-Royal games, Super People offers the player a whole twelve classes to choose from. Each class has passive abilities and an ultimate that is charged over time and triggers a special power when activated. Since this is a lot of information at the beginning, we have made a list so that you can find the perfect class for your playing style.

Gatling Soldier

This class is for players who are more excited about action and exciting gunfights than a tactical and quiet approach. So constant reloading will no longer be a problem, because the Gatling Soldier always has a magazine extension. If it comes to encountering other players, you can use a skillful roll to the side to avoid the opponent's shots and then get a three-second damage boost. As the name suggests, the class has a Gatling Gun called Spitfire, which sets the opponents on fire when the ultimate is activated.

Shotgun Master

The shotgun master is the perfect class for direct close combat. With the shotgun it is possible to push the opponent back after a hit, which limits his movement options. Using other weapons is no problem for the class. There is a damage boost for a random weapon type for the players. The shotgun master offers freedoms when crossing the map. With the Super Jump, the shotgun master can make a meter-high jump to confuse the opponent. Fall damage is therefore not a problem for the class. With the Ultimate Tank Shotgun, the barrel is as powerful as the barrel of a tank.


For all players who like to impress with movement, Stormtrooper is the right choice. With the class, players can jump higher and longer to reach targets easier than others. From level three, fall damage is also no problem. With a shield and special ammunition that does additional damage to opponents over time, another tactical option is added. The ultimate of the


As the name suggests, this class is for those who like to lie in wait and then strike with the sniper rifle when the opponent does not expect it. As a sniper, when you look through the scope, you get a stability boost. In order to not be disturbed while scouting, the sniper can lay traps that the opponent triggers when he approaches them. The best way to find opponents is to activate the amplifier, because then the opponent's heartbeat is displayed. A bomb can then be requested on the opponent's position. With the Ultimate Deadeye, every hit will be fatal.


With this class, players can easily find their opponents. At the beginning and during the game, all opponents are visible on the map. The Scout has the ability to turn a Molotow cocktail into a trap. If the player has found an opponent, he can use the Ultimate to chase the found target in three super-fast dashes.


For those who prefer to deal damage with chemistry rather than weapons, the grenadier is the right class. With gas grenades, he can weaken and drive out opponents while he can heal himself in the gas. The poison can also be applied to the ammunition and, when hit, releases a small cloud of gas. The craziest ability of the grenadier is the fuel boost. After the player drinks gasoline, he gets a temporary health and damage boost. The Ultimate is a fireball that turns everything and everyone nearby into ashes.


The marine is the class for players who feel more comfortable in the water than on land. The marine can swim faster and hold his breath longer. If it goes from the water back to land, the marine can draw his weapon faster. On land, the marine can use his improved sound suppressors and C4 to get through the battles. In addition, the marine can heal his teammates the fastest in team mode. As an ultimate, he can create a fog wall to obstruct the view of opponents.


If you want to get your tasks done quickly, the teleporter is the best class for that. He can use all items faster than any other class. In addition to the saved time, the

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