The best TVs for next-gen consoles

21 May 2021, 08:33 / by Tom Schwiha
The best TVs for next-gen consoles

The Playstation 5 and the Xbox Series X are finally here and one thing is immediately apparent: the new console generation brings an enormous increase in performance. However, anyone who wants to take the PS console to the streets needs the right TV set as well. That's why it's important to look at the exact technical data before you buy. But what should be paid attention to exactly and where are suitable TVs available at a reasonable price?

Bargain hunting on the internet

Before starting with the new exciting games on the next-gen consoles, there is another game on the agenda. It is called "Bargain Hunter Episode 5 - On the hunt for the perfect TV". Those who do not want to spend a lot of time with this game, but rather want to quickly reach the final opponent, need the appropriate cheat code for it. In this case, it is "My Deal". Because on the bargain platform the best TV offers are summarized in one category.

Whether it's a Samsung, LG or Sony TV model and regardless of whether the offer is available at MediaMarkt, ebay, Amazon or another shop - with the bargain portal "Mein Deal" it is ensured that no deal is missed. There is security against unscrupulous offers, as the offers are only published on the website after they have been checked inside and out.

At least this ensures that the TV will be purchased at the best price. But what criteria does it have to meet in technical terms? The Playstation 5 and the Xbox Series X have definitely turned up the heat here. Of course, the games can also be played with older TV models, but only newer models can fully develop their potential.

The right resolution and HDMI 2.1

4K or 8K is the big question here. But by no means the only one. What exactly is behind these ominous names? To understand this, it is important to add one more term to the repertoire: UHD. This abbreviation stands for "Ultra High Definition" and simply means a high-resolution TV image with a corresponding large number of pixels.

To better understand 4K and 8K, it is important to know that the so-called Full HD format is used as a starting point for these two terms. This format has established itself as the standard for a long time and that is why there are still TV sets with a Full HD resolution of 1,920 x 1,080 pixels in many living rooms today. In comparison, 4K, also known as Ultra HD, offers four times the resolution. A total of 3,840 x 2,160 pixels provide a sharper image and much more contrast.

At the IFA in Berlin in 2018, 8K was introduced as the next generation. These TV sets offer twice as many pixels compared to 4K and, as a result, a correspondingly good resolution.

However, the resolution alone is not decisive. In addition, it is important that the TV has an HDMI 2.1 input. Because only this one ensures with 120 4K images per second that the new consoles can fully exploit their strengths.

Is 8K worth it for the current next-gen consoles?


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