The Day Before

12 February 2023
The Day Before

The developers behind the game The Day Before have issued a statement regarding misinformation and lack of fact-checking in the discussions about the game.

The statement refers to rumors that the game is a scam, which is likely due to past events such as a trademark dispute, delays, and accusations of copied game trailers.

A Controversial Step

The statement was met with much negativity, with the developers being accused of lying. The studio, however, promises to improve communication and transparency in the future. However, the studio does not have a marketing department.

Some critics believe that the studio would have been better off staying quiet. The author is uncertain what the game is about, but believes it was mishandled.

Light at the End of the Tunnel?

The studio has asked its fans to retweet a video about the game's development and improvement since 2019 to gain access. Although the game is a controversial topic, fans are hopeful for positive developments and new information.