The Last Starship Alpha 3: Crew Stations and Hydroponics in Focus - All Information & Updates at a Glance

12 May 2023, 10:00 / by Tom Schwiha
The Last Starship Alpha 3: Crew Stations and Hydroponics in Focus - All Information & Updates at a Glance

The Last Starship Alpha 3 Update: Welcome Aboard!

Hey space cowboys! England has a new king and that means we proudly present to you the latest Alpha 3 update of The Last Starship. This time it's all about the crew - because workstations and weapons now require human supervision to function. But don't worry, we've also thought about providing for your crew. Here's an overview of the most important changes.

Hydroponics: Space Carrots for Everyone!

To keep your crew happy and adequately fed, the Alpha 3 update introduces hydroponic gardens. These require power, water supply, compost (from waste processing), and seeds to grow various vegetables. Make sure water and power aren't cut off, or your harvest will suffer. In return, you'll receive harvested vegetables and additional seeds for future plantings.

Crew Stations: Human Operation Required

Some devices in The Last Starship now require a crew to operate. The crew station is visible as a green circle in the schematic view and must be free of obstacles. This includes Gatling guns, cannons, railguns, and the ammunition table. Additional crew stations will be added in future updates.

Combat Stations: Activating & Deactivating Weapons

All weapon systems in your fleet are initially "inactive" and appear retracted within the ship. To activate the weapons, click on the "Combat Stations" button located in the bottom right of the screen. Each weapon system requires a crew member to operate before it can fire. The command to the combat stations applies to the entire fleet. Once you deactivate the combat stations, the crew will return to their normal duties and all weapon systems will retract.

Minor Changes in the Alpha 3 Update

  • Selling ships is now possible in the shipyard.
  • Vertical symmetry added to the ship editor.
  • Ship editor state is now saved/restored between sessions.
  • Docked ships can be included when exporting a ship.
  • Crash when cycling through docking fixed (cannot be created anymore).
  • Settings menu has options for window/fullscreen/resolution.
  • Steam Workshop improvements.

These were the major updates in the Alpha 3 update of The Last Starship. We hope you enjoy the new features and are now well-equipped for your space adventures. Remember that at Keyfuchs, you can also find affordable Steam keys for The Last Starship and many other games. Have fun gaming and see you in the next update!

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