The Sims 4 - Death by Hamster Bite

21 August 2023, 16:32 / by Tom Schwiha
The Sims 4 - Death by Hamster Bite

Welcome to the world of The Sims 4

The Sims 4 has secured a special place in my gamer heart with its diverse features and unique death system. From confronting a dangerous cow plant to catching a deadly disease from a small pet hamster, the ways to die in this game are as colorful as life itself.

The innocent pet hamster as a bringer of death

How can a cute hamster cause something as final as death? Well, if you own the My First Pet Stuff Pack for The Sims 4, you know that there are many different rodents you can buy for your Sims. But beware! These little creatures can do more than just look cute.

The consequences of a hamster bite

After being bitten by a hamster, the symptoms are initially harmless. Your Sim will receive the "Bite-Sized Bite" debuff and may cough or sneeze a bit. However, if you ignore these signs, a serious illness can develop.

From Fuzzy Fever to Rabid Rodent Fever

Without a remedy, the seemingly harmless "Feeling Fuzzy" state can turn into the deadly "Fuzzy Fever." And before you know it, your Sim will have contracted the "Rabid Rodent Fever" and will eventually die from the consequences of the hamster bite.

A curious aftermath of death by hamster bite

As if death by rodent bite wasn't bizarre enough, your deceased Sim will be condemned to forever roam around in a full-body hamster suit as a ghost. A truly peculiar aftermath!

More fun with The Sims 4

If you're looking for more ways to spice up your Sims 4 experience, why not check out our selection of fun mods? Or try out some of our other favorite life simulation games!

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