Console manufacturers follow different strategies - We take a look into the future

16 July 2021, 16:26 / by Tom Schwiha
Console manufacturers follow different strategies - We take a look into the future

The autumn of 2020 was marked by the great duel between Sony and Microsoft from a gamer's perspective. Both companies brought their respective new console generations to market. Now the third party is following suit. Nintendo recently introduced a new Switch with an OLED display. This also has a new stand foot that is supposed to improve comfort while playing. In addition, the docking station now also has a LAN connection.

Recent publications show that console manufacturers are pursuing different strategies. After all, the topic of cloud gaming is seen as their big challenge for the future. Some experts even see the end of the consoles looming. This will not happen overnight, but this development appears to be quite possible. After all, the bandwidths on the Internet are growing stronger and stronger, while at the same time the standard 5G is making its way to conquer the mass market with smartphones. This will change the world of gamers dramatically.

A fitness console from Germany

The future is virtual. This motto was proclaimed years ago, but it has never been as relevant as it is today. The last 16 months have given digitalization another huge boost. Numerous applications and workflows migrated to the web as a matter of course. What began with the first use of a virtual reality device in 1968 is now also to combat the lack of movement of recent months. At least that's what one entrepreneur from Munich has in mind. With his self-developed virtual trainer, he is relying on gamification elements.

This is intended to animate the "sitting machines" of our time to more movement. This doesn't seem so far-fetched after all, because the market for virtual reality, e-sports and fitness trackers has been booming for years. His start-up "Fun With Balls" has developed the sports and gaming console Limbic Active. This is mounted on the wall and tracks all movements of the player with sensors and cameras. The financing was carried out via a crowdfunding campaign via Kickstarter. The German example shows that the gaming industry is about to significantly expand its influence. Microsoft has long recognized this with its Xbox.

Microsoft goes all-in on the cloud

There, they've long since stopped relying on the radiance of a new console, instead putting their full faith in the Xbox Game Pass. Microsoft's goal is to turn the cloud gaming service into something of a Netflix for games. The company announced its new priorities at the Xbox Series X launch, and now it's moving into the next phase. A few days ago, subscribers were able to start using the service on PC and on iOS devices.

This is Microsoft's way of trying to reach as many customers as possible and convince them of its service. Customers can access most of the games available on Xbox Game Pass. Streaming on PC is done directly in the web browser. On iOS devices, like the iPhone or iPad, all you need is the Safari web browser. With this move, the Redmond-based company is putting pressure on its competitors, because it allows games to break out of the "physical prison" of consoles and reach markets that were previously inaccessible.

Nintendo is playing it safe

Nintendo is instead focusing on further development. This confirmed rumors that have been circulating for a long time. The new Switch is called the OLED model. This screen is supposed to allow for a brighter and more contrasting display than before. The old models still have an LCD. At the same time, the size of the screen has grown from 6.2 inches (about 16 cm) to 7 inches (about 18 cm). However, the resolution remains the same, it will continue to be 720p in the future.

Nintendo has also improved the housing and audio playback. The new stand is much wider and can be adjusted in stages. The improved Switch will be released on the market on October 8 of this year and will cost 350 dollars. There is still no new model in sight. Nintendo is therefore waiting and observing the development.

Sony Relies on PlayStation 5

Sony has quite different worries in the meantime. The demand for the new PlayStation 5 continues to significantly exceed the supply. No wonder then that the Japanese company wants to expand its production capacities significantly in 2022 to meet the enormous demand. Sony CEO Kenichiro Yoshida has set the goal of exceeding the record sales of the first PlayStation of 22.6 million units in 2022 for the first time.

So Sony continues to rely on the persuasiveness of its brand and the radiance of its top games. But even a superhit like Grand Theft Auto is already getting old. According to rumors, a remaster trilogy will soon be released, fans are still waiting in vain for Grand Theft Auto 6. There is currently no sign of a change in strategy at Sony.

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