Total War: Warhammer 3 - Discover the strategic importance of higher ground in battles

16 May 2023, 05:50 / by Tom Schwiha
Total War: Warhammer 3 - Discover the strategic importance of higher ground in battles

The Importance of Elevation in Total War: Warhammer 3

Hey there! Today, we're starting an interesting blog series where we'll take a closer look at some complex aspects of Total War: Warhammer 3 and delve deeper into its diverse gameplay systems. To help us with this, we'll be joined by Total War: WARHAMMER III designer William Håkestad.

In our first post, we'll be focusing on the topic of elevation. How much does being on higher ground influence the outcome of a battle? Join us on our journey of discovery and find out just how important strategic positioning on the battlefield can be!

The Benefits of Higher Ground in Total War: Warhammer 3

Positioning your troops on elevated terrain can be crucial in Total War: Warhammer 3 to influence the outcome of a battle. The reason is simple: higher ground offers both strategic and tactical advantages over your opponent.

Strategic Advantages of Elevated Terrain

  • Greater visibility: Units on higher ground have a better view of the battlefield and can therefore spot enemies from a greater distance.
  • Better defense: When your troops are on a hill, attacking enemies have to fight their way up, which slows them down and gives your troops more time to inflict damage.
  • Control over important points: Occupying elevated terrain can help you control important points on the map and block your opponents' access to resources or strategic positions.

Tactical Advantages of Elevated Terrain

  • Better attack angles: Units attacking from above often have a better attack angle and can therefore land critical hits more easily or bypass the enemy's cover.
  • Increased range for ranged units: Archers and other ranged units benefit from elevated terrain as their projectiles travel farther and can therefore reach targets that are farther away.

Using Elevated Terrain Strategically: Tips & Tricks

Now that we know the benefits of elevated terrain in Total War: Warhammer 3, it's time to reveal some tips and tricks on how to best use it in combat:

  1. Plan ahead: When starting a battle, first get an overview of the terrain and identify possible elevated positions. Then, consider how you want to position your troops to take advantage of these height differences.
  2. Defend your position: If you have taken a favorable position on a hill, make sure to defend it well. Ensure that your units are able to defend against enemy attacks and, if necessary, retreat.
  3. Use the right units: Not all units benefit equally from elevated terrain. Therefore, carefully consider which of your troops will benefit the most from a height advantage and use them accordingly.
  4. Be flexible: Sometimes it's better to give up an elevated position and retreat to another location instead of stubbornly fighting at an unfavorable spot. So be prepared to adapt your strategy if the situation requires it.

With these tips and tricks in mind, you will be able to use the terrain in Total War: Warhammer 3 to your advantage and inflict decisive defeats on your opponents. Now it's up to you to discover the power of elevated terrain and dominate the battlefield. Good luck!

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