Trends in the Gaming Industry 2022 - Analyzing the upcoming trends

01 March 2022, 10:04 / by Tom Schwiha
Trends in the Gaming Industry 2022 - Analyzing the upcoming trends

Gamers can expect new things in the industry every year. New technologies provide an unprecedented gaming experience, and even old classics return to screens in a new style. The market is constantly evolving and providing players with completely new and exciting challenges. Here we have summarized the trends that will shape the gaming year 2022.

Entertainment for in between

Interest in gaming is growing increasingly. On the one hand, this is due to the enormous hype that has developed around e-sports in recent years. On the other hand, it is also due to the fact that most people have spent more time at home than usual in recent years. Already in the course of the past years, the smartphone has established itself as a popular end device for gamers. Whether on the train, in the waiting room or comfortably on the couch, the smartphone makes it possible to play almost anywhere. Therefore, there are some new things to expect in mobile games this year.

A clear increase in the number of players can also be seen in online casinos, as the search for distraction was often also transferred to the Internet. Real experts, but also beginners, try their luck here. The providers offer free spins for new players and bonus programs to make the start into the game easier. To find the best offer, a visit to a comparison platform like can be helpful to keep an overview of the huge range of offers.


This year, online playgrounds are also high on the agenda. Fortnite has shown that the concept of bringing together players of different backgrounds in interactive maps is generally met with great enthusiasm. Live concerts and exhibitions have also attracted and fascinated many users. Therefore, it is expected that in 2022 many developers and publishers will invest in the idea of the Metaverse. There are also concepts in the room that are supposed to connect entertainment, work and socializing. How and whether these developments will be accepted by gamers remains to be seen. In particular, since many of the ideas are only expansions in the sense of places of social interaction.

Single-Player Games

According to these developments, single-player games were pronounced dead by EA and others a few years ago. But contrary to expectations, single-player games are still high on the agenda. Because the market on which Fortnite and virtual playgrounds are booming is also big enough for solo play experiences. Therefore, it is not surprising that numerous brand new single-player games were announced at the Game Awards 2021. This includes Slitterhead. Keiichiro Toyama, whose reputation precedes him, is the developer of this video game. With Silent Hill he left a lasting impression. This game, which combines horror with action, will definitely leave images in people's heads. But also the long-awaited Hogwarts Legacy, in which gamers can dive into the magical world of Hogwarts, will be released this year.

Subscriptions - Now also for games

In addition, another big change is coming this year - subscription models for gaming. Similar to how it works with the streaming giants Netflix and Amazon with series and movies, this year it will also be possible with games. A subscription pass allows gamers

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