Halls of Torment - Unlocking the Pestering

13 July 2023, 12:16 / by Tom Schwiha
Halls of Torment - Unlocking the Pestering


Welcome, brave souls, to our comprehensive guide to the Halls of Torment. This dungeon is known for its brutal challenges, but also for the rewards that can be obtained by overcoming these trials. Today, we will be focusing on one such treasure - the mysterious Pestring, which allows you to summon a rat. Yes, you read that right! A rat as your ally in battle!

Rat Power through the Pestring

The Pestring is a special item found in the Halls of Torment. With it, you can summon a single rat that will randomly target enemies and attack them. And the best part? Not only does it inflict damage, but it also applies a debuff to the unfortunate devils. This effect lasts for 15 seconds, and the rat will attack up to 30 different enemies before leaving the arena.

How to Obtain the Pest Ring

Now, onto the question of all questions: How do you obtain this legendary ring? Well, it's a bit more complicated than just defeating a boss. You have to complete a specific quest - specifically, the "Pest Killer" side quest from the Scorched Earth chapter.

But be careful! You can only complete this quest as the Exterminator character. And even this character needs to be unlocked first. To do that, you have to kill 1,000 enemies during a visit to the Ember Grounds.

So you see: The path to the Pest Ring is not an easy one - but it's definitely worth it!

The Pest Ring in Action

Once you have unlocked the Pest Ring, you can use it over and over again - no matter which character or stage is selected. The rat will remain faithfully by your side, helping you keep the enemy hordes at bay.

So what are you waiting for? Dive into the Halls of Torment and secure your own rat ally!


  • By completing quests in the Halls of Torment, valuable items like the Pest Ring can be unlocked.
  • With the Pest Ring, you can summon a rat that targets enemies and debuffs them.
  • The "Pest Killer" side quest in the Scorched Earth chapter unlocks the Pest Ring.
  • This side quest can only be completed with the Exterminator character.

For more game information and tips, visit our website at Keyfuchs.de.

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