Valheim - Update 0.217.12

11 August 2023, 17:33 / by Tom Schwiha
Valheim - Update 0.217.12

Valheim Update brings fresh air to the game

Attention, friends of the survival game Valheim! Iron Gate Studio has once again delved deep into their bag of tricks and released a new public test update. Version 0.217.12 comes with some interesting changes and also fixes a lot of bugs that may have already cost you a few nerves.

The new patch notes promise exciting changes, some of which we want to take a closer look at. This includes the scaling of enemies, which should now cause less frustration. But the auto-run feature has also been reworked, making exploring the vast Viking world even more enjoyable.

What changes are there specifically?

First of all, there is good news for all adventurers who love exploring dungeons: The enemies there will no longer scale in size and speed on more difficult world modifier settings. This means fewer unfair surprises and hopefully more fun!

But even outside of dungeons, there have been some changes: You can now sprint again while Auto-Run is activated - a small but nice change for those who like to move quickly.

Bug fixes and fine-tuning

In addition to the major changes, there are of course a lot of small fixes and improvements that are intended to make the gameplay in Valheim smoother.

This includes, among other things, a solution for world modifiers that were not displayed or were cut off when they were too long for dedicated servers on Steam - a problem that has caused headaches for many players.

Also new is a change to agricultural materials such as Magecap & Jotunpuffs, which can now only be grown in the Mistlands.

But that's not all! In the official patch notes, you will find the complete list of all changes and bug fixes.


These were just some of the many changes and improvements in Valheim with the latest update 0.217.12. As always, we recommend taking a look at the game yourself and trying out all the new features!

Get your Steam Key for Valheim now from us at Keyfuchs and start your own Viking adventure!

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