Vampyr - The fate of London lies in your hands

30 May 2020, 18:59 / by Fabian Roßbach
Vampyr - The fate of London lies in your hands

In the role-playing game Vampyr, which has now been released not only for PC but also for PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the developers from DONTNOD take you to a dark London at the beginning of the 20th century, shortly after the end of the First World War. With this, the studio, which is best known for the emotional adventure Life is Strange, is breaking new ground and telling an intense vampire story in which numerous morally reprehensible decisions have to be made.

In Vampyr, you take on the role of the renowned doctor Dr. Jonathan Reid, who has made it his mission to help the people in the British capital, where the blood plague is spreading. However, there is a crucial problem, because Jonathan was recently infected himself and is therefore condemned to spend his life as a vampire. His powers, which are related to his mutation, are extremely helpful in the fight against the numerous dangerous residents and creatures of the city, which are waiting for him in the different districts. However, Dr. Jonathan Reid is also constantly confronted with difficult decisions that not only affect him, but also have an impact on the search for a cure and answers that will help him understand his situation.

So it's in your hands how tough your adventure in London will be. You have the chance to develop much faster by sucking the blood of citizens and thus gaining powerful attacks and abilities that will help you master the demanding real-time battles. However, the faster increase has its price, because if you drink too much blood of the citizens, the balance in the individual districts will quickly get out of hand. Also, killing the residents affects the story, because the residents of London are connected to each other, so you might miss a helpful hint or complete quest parts if you randomly suck people dry. If the tough role-playing battles are too difficult for you, you can choose a delivered story mode for some time now, in which the difficulty is much lower.

You want to experience an exciting vampire story in the atmospheric London of 1918, in which your skill is put to the test in demanding battles? Then a Vampyr key is ideal for your favorite platform. But on you will not only find cheap Vampyr keys from different providers, but also more information about the innovative role-playing game by the creators of Life is Strange.

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