VoidTrain - Hotfix #4 (Version 11771)

19 May 2023, 12:54 / by Tom Schwiha
VoidTrain - Hotfix #4 (Version 11771)

VoidTrain Hotfix #4: The Changes in Detail

Hey gamers! VoidTrain has reached Hotfix #4 (version 11771) and comes with some interesting improvements and bug fixes. In this article, we'll summarize what has changed and what new features the game has received.

The Most Important Improvements and Bug Fixes

Here are some of the most important changes in Hotfix #4 that you should know:

  • Fixed an area in the depot that prevented players from picking up items.
  • Player characters were visible in the depot's build mode - fixed.
  • Missing message when inventory is full when picking up weapons from the weapon table - fixed.
  • Improved lighting in shady areas of locations and trains.
  • New, quieter and less intrusive sounds added for Voidfish.
  • The texture of the sterilizer has been changed from a red cross to a neutral one.
  • Demolition of train modules in the depot via the build control is now possible if the demolition key has been reassigned.

Further important changes include:

  • The area where the Tank Beetle spike appears is now slightly highlighted.
  • Fixed a blocking bug with chests in co-op play caused by repeated opening and closing.
  • Corrected character animation with hammer in the Void (character was positioned as if in the gravity area).
  • Fixed a bug where the client player could not detonate Void Flowers, apply brakes, or destroy energy cells when too far away.
  • Crafting the Grappling Hook before the intended quest no longer breaks the quest system.

This list is just a sample of the many improvements and bug fixes in Hotfix #4. If you want to see the complete changelog, you can do so on the official Voidtrain website. Even if you don't have a key for Voidtrain yet, you can get one on our website for Steam Keys.

Future Updates for VoidTrain

The developers have already announced some future updates and improvements that we can look forward to:

  1. Rebalancing of the Tank Beetle from the Arena Islands.
  2. Fixing the Speed Quest bug and other issues related to items and the environment.
  3. Investigating connection problems from certain regions (temporary solution - VPN).
  4. Fixing issues with AI appearances at outposts and depots, as well as quest blockers.
  5. Fixing VRAM/RAM leaks when interacting with the weapon table.
  6. Improving hit markers when attacking enemies.

Of course, these are just some of the planned changes, and we can look forward to many more exciting updates in the future. If you haven't played Voidtrain yet, now is a good time to get started! You can purchase a Voidtrain key directly on our website here. Have fun playing!

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